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Monday, January 14, 2019

Excel Format Painter > formatting to an entire column/row

Format Painter is the most helpful feature to copy formatting from one cell and applying to others.

With a couple of clicks, we can copy formatting like number format, font, size, color, cell background color, cell borders and text alignment etc.

The feature is available on the home tab in the clipboard group.

Basic use is very simple. Select the cell whose formatting you want to copy and click on Format Painter button. The pointer will change to brush. Now click on the cell where you want to apply the formatting.

Simple way to copy cell formatting to an entire column/row.

  • Select the cell with the desired format and press Ctrl + C to copy its contents and formats
  • Select the entire column or row which we want to format by clicking on its heading
  • Right click the selection and under paste options (Excel 2013), select the option ‘Formatting’. 

This way we will copy just the formatting in entire column, easily.