Amiq's Excel Learning
As we all know, MS Excel is a very powerful tool. I try to learn a bit. The purpose of this blog is to keep my learning/findings at one place for future reference. I hope so that this could be beneficial for others as well.
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Need help and that also free? I like to learn this way, in case of any question or for a small task, please feel free to email me with details and example data, if required.
Friday, August 2, 2024
Create Stunning Firework Animations in Excel with VBA!, Urdu/Hindi
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Excel VBA Code/Mcro: Combine Text from multiple rows into one for respective grouping
Here's a VBA code that combines the descriptions for each Team (Column A is Team and Column B Description) and creates a list of unique departments with their combined descriptions in the result sheet:
Sub CombineDescriptionsByDepartment()
Dim dataSheet As Worksheet
Dim resultSheet As Worksheet
Dim dataRange As Range
Dim departmentColumn As Range
Dim descriptionColumn As Range
Dim departments As Variant
Dim descriptions As Variant
Dim department As Variant
Dim description As Variant
Dim combinedDescriptions As Object
Dim rowIndex As Long
Dim resultTable As Range
Dim resultRowIndex As Long
' Set the data sheet and result sheet references
Set dataSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace with your actual data sheet name
Set resultSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2") ' Replace with your actual result sheet name
' Set the data range references
Set dataRange = dataSheet.Range("A1:B" & Selection.Rows.Count) ' Adjust the range as per your data
' Get the department and description columns from the data range
Set departmentColumn = dataRange.Columns(1)
Set descriptionColumn = dataRange.Columns(2)
' Get unique departments and descriptions from the columns
departments = departmentColumn.Value
descriptions = descriptionColumn.Value
' Create a dictionary to store combined descriptions for each department
Set combinedDescriptions = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Loop through the data and combine descriptions for each department
For rowIndex = 2 To UBound(departments)
department = departments(rowIndex, 1)
description = descriptions(rowIndex, 1)
If Not combinedDescriptions.Exists(department) Then
combinedDescriptions(department) = description
combinedDescriptions(department) = combinedDescriptions(department) & " " & description
End If
Next rowIndex
' Clear the result sheet
' Write the results to the result sheet
resultRowIndex = 1
For Each department In combinedDescriptions.keys
Set resultTable = resultSheet.Range("A" & resultRowIndex)
' Write the department name
resultTable.Value = department
' Write the combined description
resultTable.Offset(0, 1).Value = combinedDescriptions(department)
' Move to the next result row
resultRowIndex = resultRowIndex + 1
Next department
MsgBox "Description combination completed."
End Sub
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Excel VBA/Macro to fetch consecutive Duplicate words in multiple cells of a column selection
Select the data/column and run the Macro, It will fetch the consecutive duplicate words and add them in the next column for each cell. The word with length more than 2 included and another exception is that they shouldn't be ending with comma.